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Benjamin Shapiro
Fischell Department of Bioengineering
Joint appointment with:
Institute for Systems Research
2246 Kim Building
University of Maryland
College Park, MD 20742
Tel: (301) 405-4191
Fax: (301) 405-9953

Microfluidic Extraction of Circulating Tumor Cells (CTCs) by Feedback Control
Benjamin Shapiro, Fischell Department of Bio-Engineering, University of Maryland at College Park
and Jane Trepel, National Cancer Institute

Search key words: circulating tumor cell, CTC, microfluid, MEMS, fabrication, control, experiment, biology.

We are looking to combine our expertise in precisely and gently manipulating cells on chip by feedback control with expertise at NIH in circulating tumor cells, to create systems that can extract, handle, and test CTC's from human whole blood samples. Jane Trepel, of the NCI Medical Oncology Branch, is an expert in identification of rare cells, including CTCs, both in basic science and clinical research aspects. Dr. Shapiro has pioneered methods to integrate sensing and actuation to handle cells on chip. There is an opportunity here to combine two major fields and take a big step forwards in high-throughput but precise and gentle handling of CTC's for patient testing.


To do so, we require a postdoctoral scholar with a skill set in

  1. microfluidic fabrication techniques
  2. wet-lab biology experience, especially living cells and human samples, and, if possible, also
  3. control theory

Expertise in the first two areas is essential, with expertise in the 3rd area (control theory) being a major advantage but not being necessary – there will be an opportunity to work with others in the lab who are expert in this area.

Job Responsibilities

This postdoc position is for a two year time period with an option to continue on longer if so desired. We envision that the candidate will spend equal time both at the National Cancer Institute (working with Jane Trepel learning how to handle and manipulate blood samples and CTC’s) and the Fischell Department of Bio-Engineering at the University of Maryland (designing, fabricating, and validating systems to automatically extract, manipulate, count, and test CTC’s).

The applications roles will include:

a) planning and conducting research

b) writing journal articles and presenting finding at conferences;

c) assisting with grant applications (especially for candidates that are looking to pursue a faculty position after this postdoc); and

d) coordinating activities with other members of the team.

We are looking for a person that can design and lead his or her own research efforts.

How to apply

If you wish to apply for this position, please send

  1. one email to Dr. Benjamin Shapiro (benshap@umd.edu) with the title
    “Postdoc CTC: <Your last name>”
  2. a short cover letter and contact information for 4 references in the body of the email
  3. attach PDF files for your CV (please name the file as “<Your last name>_CTCs_CV.pdf”) and
  4. 2-3 of your best journal paper publications.

Candidates will be reviewed until the position is filled.

The University of Maryland is an equal opportunity employer.
Women and minorities are strongly encouraged to apply.




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