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Publications: Books
Books edited
- J. Gorman, B.Shapiro, co-editors of “Control of MEMS to Atoms”. Springer Verlag, ISBN (1441958312), 2012 edition (16 Dec 2011). Also on Amazon. [Bioengineering press release, ISR press release.]
Chapters in books
- F.Yesilkoy, C.Ropp, Z.Cummins, R.Probst, E.Waks, B.Shapiro, M.Peckerar*, “New Applications and Emerging Technologies”, editor M.Feldman, chapter in “Nanolithograpy: The Art of Fabricating Nanoelectronic, Nanophotonic, and Nanobiologic Devices and Systems”, Woodhead Publishing LTD, Cambridge. To appear … 2012.
- M.Armani*, Z.Cummins*, J.Gong, P.Mathai*, R.Probst*, C.Ropp, E.Waks, S.Walker*, B.Shapiro, “Feedback Control of Micro-Flows”, chapter for “Control of MEMS to Atoms”, editors J.Gorman and B.Shapiro, Springer Verlag, in-press Nov 2011, to appear Mar 2012.
- A.Komaee*, R.Lee, A.Nacev*, R.Probst*, A.Sarwar*, I.Rutel, D.Depireux, K.Dormer, B.Shapiro, “Putting Therapeutic Nanoparticles Where They Need To Go By Magnet Systems Design and Control”, editor TK Thanh, chapter in “Magnetic Nanoparticles: From Fabrication to Biomedical and Clinical Applications”, CRC Press/Taylor & Francis, Jan, 2012.
- M.Armani*,R.Probst*,B.Shapiro, “Fabricating Micro-Fluidic Channels Using a Vinyl Sign Plotter", chapter for “Lab on a Chip Technology: Fabrication and Microfluidics”, editors K.E.Herold, A.Rasooly, Caister Academic Press, Aug 2009.
- B.Shapiro, “Control of Microfluidics” chapter entry for “Encyclopedia of Microfluidics and Nanofluidics”, editor D. Li. Springer Verlag, Sep 2008.
Publications: Journal Papers
Updated August 2016
- L.Kangmook, C.Ropp, S.Barik, J.T.Fourkas, B.Shapiro, E.Waks, “Nanostructure-induced distortion in single-emitter microscopy”, NanoLetters, accepted Aug 2016.
- B.Ramaswamy, J.M.Algarin, I.N.Weinberg, Y.J.Chen, I.N.Krivorotov, J.A.Katine, B.Shapiro, E.Waks, “Wireless current sensing by near field induction from a spin transfer torque nano-oscillator”, Applied Physics Letters, vol 108, pages 242403-(1-5), June 2016.
- B.Ramaswamy, S.Kulkarni, P.S.Villar, R.Smith, C.Eberly, R.Araneda, D.Depireux, B.Shapiro, “Movement of Magnetic Nanoparticles in the Brain: Mechanisms and Impact on Normal Neuronal Function”, NanoMedicine vol 11, pg 1821-9, June 2015.
- S.Kulkarni, B.Ramaswamy, E.Horton, S.Gangapuram, A.Nacev, D.Depireux, M.Shimoji, B.Shapiro, "Quantifying the Motion of Magnetic Particles in Excised Tissue: Effect of Particle Properties and Applied Magnetic Field", Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials (JMMM), vol 393, pg 243-252, Nov 2015.
- C.Ropp, Z.Cummins, S.Nah, J.T.Fourkas, B.Shapiro, E.Waks, "Nanoscale Probing of Image Dipole Interactions in a Metallic Nanostructure", Nature Communications, vol 6, number 6558, March 2015.
- M.A.Bevan, D.M.Ford, M.A.Grover, B.Shapiro, D.Maroudas, Y.Yang, R.Thyagarajan, X.Tang, R.M.Sehgal, "Controlling Assembly of Colloidal Particles into Structure Objects: Basic Strategy and a Case Study", J. Process Control, vol 27, pg 64-75, Jan 2015.
- K.Lim, C.Ropp, B.Shapiro, J.M.Taylor, E.Waks, "Scanning Localized Magnetic Fields in a Microfluidic Device with a Single Nitrogen Vacancy Center", NanoLetters, vol 15, pg 1481-1486, Feb 2015.
- A.Nacev, I.N.Weinberg, P.Y.Stepanov, S.Kupfer, L.O.Mair, M.G.Urdaneta, M.Shimoji, S.T.Fricke, B.Shapiro, “Dynamic Inversion Enables External Magnets to Concentrate Ferromagnetic Rods to a Central Target”, NanoLetters, 2 Dec 2014. [Press release: http://www.bioe.umd.edu/media/release.php?id=358]
- B.Shapiro, S.Kulkarni, A.Nacev, S.Muro, P.Y.Stepanov, I.N.Weinberg, "Open Challenges in Magnetic Drug Targeting", WIREs Nanomedicine and Nanobiotechnology, 6 Nov 2014.
- B.Shapiro, D.Depireux, A.Sarwar, A.Nacev, D.Preciado, J.Hausfeld, "Pre-Clinical Development of Magnetic Delivery of Therapy to Middle and Inner Ears", ENT & Audiology News, vol 23, issue 1, pg 54-56, 2014.
- B.Shapiro, S.Kulkarni, A.Nacev, A.Sarwar, D.Preciado, D.Depireux, "Shaping Magnetic Fields to Direct Therapy to Ears and Eyes", Annual Reviews of Biomedical Engineering, vol 16, pg 455-81, 11 July 2014. [Invited review paper.]
- M.Armani, M.Tangrea, B.Yang, A.Rosenberg, K.Ylaya, J.Morris, J.Rodriguez-Canales, J.Hanson, B.Shapiro, M.Emmert-Buck, E.Smela, S.M.Hewitt, "Multiplex Quantitative Measurement of mRNAs from Fixed Tissue Microarray Sections", Diagnostic Molecular Pathology, 30 Jan 2014.
- C.Ropp, Z.Cummins, S.Nah, S.Qin, J.J.Seog, S.B.Lee, J.T.Fourkas, B.Shapiro, E.Waks, "Fabrication of Nanoassemblies Using Flow Control", NanoLetters, issue 13, vol 8, pg 3936 - 41, July 2013.
- Z.Cummins, R.Probst, B.Shapiro, "Electrokinetic Tweezing: Three-Dimensional Manipulation of Microparticles by Real-Time Imaging and Flow Control", Lab-on-a-Chip, vol 13, pg 4040 - 6, June 2013.
- Z.Shen, K.Chen, B.Shapiro, "Measuring Low Concentrations of Fluorescent Magnetic Nanoparticles by Fluorescence Microscopy", International Journal of Optomechatronics, vol 7, pg 61-66, 2013.
- C.Ropp, Z.Cummins, S.Nah, J.T.Fourkas, B.Shapiro, E.Waks, "Nanoscale Imaging and Spontaneous Emission Control with a Single Nano-Positioned Quantum Dot", Nature Communications, vol 4, article number 1447, doi: 10.1038/ncomms2477, 5 Feb 2013
- P.Mathai, P.T.Carmichael, B.Shapiro, J.A.Liddle, "Simultaneous Positioning and Orientation of Single Nano-Objects Using Flow Control", RSC Advances, 2013, vol 3, no 8, pg 2677 - 2682, Jan 2013.
- Z.Shen, A.Nacev, A.Sarwar, R.Lee, D.Depireux, B.Shapiro, "Automated Fluorescence and Reflectance Co-Registered 3-D Tissue Imaging System", IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, vol 49, no 1, pg 279-284, Jan 2013.
- A.Sarwar, R.Lee, D.Depireux, B.Shapiro, "Magnetic Injection of Nanoparticles into Rat Inner Ears at a Human Head Working Distance", IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, vol 49, no 1, pg 440-452, Jan 2013.
- J.B.Freund, B.Shapiro, "Transport of Particles by Magnetic Forces and Cellular Blood Flow in a Model Microvessel", Physics of Fluids, vol 24, pg 051904-1 - 12, published online 29 May 2012.
- A.Nacev, R.Probst, S.Kim, A.Komaee, A.Sarwar, R.Lee, D.Depireux, M.Emmert-Buck, B. Shapiro*, "Towards Control of Magnetic Fluids in Patients: Directing Therapeutic Nanoparticles to Disease Locations", IEEE Control System Magazine (CSM), vol 32, no 3, pg 32-74, June 2012. [Invited tutorial paper. With authorship and North/South labels corrected in Fig 6a]. Movies.
- R.Probst, Z.Cummins, C.Ropp, E.Waks, B.Shapiro*, "Flow Control of Small Objects On-Chip: Manipulating Live Cells, Quantum Dots, and Nano-Wires", IEEE Control System Magazine (CSM), vol 32, no 2, pg 26-53, April 2012. [Invited tutorial paper.] Movies.
- A.Komaee, B.Shapiro*, "Steering a Ferromagnetic Particle by Optimal Magnetic Feedback Control", IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, vol 20, issue 4, pg 1011-1024, July 2012.
- A.Sarwar*, A.Nemirovski, B.Shapiro, “Optimal Halbach Permanent Magnet Designs for Maximally Pulling and Pushing Nanoparticles”, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials (JMMM), vol 324, issue 5, pg 742-754, March 2012.
- A.Nacev*, S.H.Kim*, J.Rodriguez-Canales, M.Tangrea, B.Shapiro, M.R. Emmert-Buck “A Dynamic Magnetic Shift Method to Increase Nanoparticle Concentration in Cancer Metastases: A Feasibility Study using Simulations on Autopsy Specimens”, International Journal of Nanmedicine (IJN), vol 2011:6, pg 2907-2923, Nov 2011.
- M.Armani*, M.Tangrea, B.Shapiro, M.Emmert-Buck, E. Smela, “Quantifying mRNA Levels Across Tissue Sections with 2D-RT-qPCR”, Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, vol 400, pg 3383-93, July 2011.
- R.Probst*, J.Lin*, A.Komaee*, A.Nacev*, Z.Cummins*, B.Shapiro, “Planar Steering of a Single Ferrofluid Drop by Optimal Minimum Power Dynamic Feedback Control of Four Electromagnets at a Distance”, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials (JMMM), vol 323, pp 885-896, April 2011.
- A.Nacev*, C.Beni, O.Bruno, B.Shapiro, “The Behaviors of Ferro-Magnetic Nano-Particles In and Around Blood Vessels under Applied Magnetic Fields”, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials (JMMM), vol 323, issue 6, pg 651-668, March 2011.
- R.Probst*, B.Shapiro, “Three-Dimensional Electrokinetic Tweezing: Device Design, Modeling, and Control Algorithms”, Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, vol 21, no 2 article-number 027004, Jan 2011
- P.Mathai*, A.Berglund, A.Liddle, B.Shapiro, “Simultaneous Positioning and Orientation of a Single Nano-Object by Flow Control”, New Journal of Physics, vol 13, pg 013027, Jan 2011.
- A.Nacev*, C.Beni, O.Bruno, B.Shapiro, “Magnetic Nanoparticle Transport within Flowing Blood and into Surrounding Tissue”, Nanomedicine, vol 5, no 9, pg 1459-1466, Nov 2010.
- C.Ropp, Z.Cummins*, R.Probst*, S.Qin, J.Fourkas, B.Shapiro, E.Waks, “Positioning and Immobilization of Individual Quantum Dots with Nanoscale Precision”, NanoLetters, 10(11), pg 4673-4679, Oct 2010.
- C.Ropp, R.Probst*, Z.Cummins*, R.Kumar, A.Berglund, S.Srinivasan, E.Waks, B.Shapiro, “Manipulating Quantum Dots to Nanometer Precision by Control of Flow”. NanoLetters, 10 (7), pp 2525–2530, May 2010.
- M.Armani*, J.Rodriguez-Canales, J.Gillespie, M.Tangrea, H.Erickson, M.R.Emmert-Buck, B.Shapiro, E.Smela "2D-PCR: A Method of Mapping DNA in Tissue Sections" Lab on a Chip, vol 9, pg 3526-3534, Dec 2009.
- S.Walker*, R.H.Nochetto, B.Shapiro “Electrowetting with Contact Line Pinning: Computational Modeling and Comparisons with Experiments” Physics of Fluids, vol 23, issue 10, article 102103, Oct 2009.
- M.E.Piyasena, R.Newby, B.Shapiro, E.Smela “Electroosmotically Driven Microfluidic Actuators”
Sensors and Actuators B Chemical, vol 141, issue 1, pg 263-269, Aug 2009. - B.Shapiro “Towards Dynamic Control of Magnetic Fields to Focus Magnetic Carriers to Targets Deep Inside the Body” Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials (JMMM), vol 321, no 10, pg 1594-1599, May 2009. [Invited submission.]
- J.West*, T.Otero, B.Shapiro, E.Smela “Chronoamperometric Study of Conformational Relaxation in PPy(DBS)” Journal of Physical Chemistry.B, vol 113, no 5, pg 1277-1293, Jan 2009.
- X.Wang, B.Shapiro, E.Smela “Development of a Model for Charge Transport in Conjugated Polymers” Journal of Physical Chemistry. C, vol 113, no 1, pg 382-401, Jan 2009.
- M. Tomizuka, L.A. Bergman, B. Shapiro, R.Shoureshi, B.F. Spencer, Jr., “Bio-Inspired Autonomous Engineered Systems” Smart Structures and Systems, vol 3, no 4, Oct 2007.
- P.Mathai*, B.Shapiro “Interconnection of Subsystem Reduced-Order Models in the Electrothermal Analysis of Large Systems” IEEE Transactions on Components and Packaging Technologies, vol 30, issue 2, pg 317 – 329, June 2007
- B.Shapiro*, E.Smela, “Bending Actuators with Maximum Curvature and Force and Zero Interfacial Stress”, Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures (JIMSS), vol 18, pg 181-186, Feb 2007. [Invited for special issue.]
- S.Walker, B.Shapiro "Modeling
the Fluid Dynamics of Electro-Wetting On Dielectric
Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems (JMEMS), vol 15, no 4, pg 986-1000, Aug 2006. - M.Armani, S.Chaudhary, R.Probst, B.Shapiro "Using Feedback Control of Micro-Flows to Independently Steer Multiple Particles" Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems (JMEMS), vol 15, no 4, pg 945-956, Aug 2006.
- S.Chaudhary, B.Shapiro "Arbitrary Steering of Multiple Particles Independently in an Electroosmotically Driven Microfluidic System" IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, vol 14, issue 4, pg 669-680, July 2006.
- M.Christophersen, B.Shapiro, E.Smela "Characterization and Modeling of PPy Bilayer Microactuators. Part 1: Curvature" Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, vol 115, pg 596-609, 26 June 2006.
- M.Armani, S.Chaudhary, R.Probst, S.Walker, B.Shapiro "Control of
Micro-Fluidic Systems: Two Examples, Results, and Challenges" International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control, vol 15, issue 16, pg 785-803,
10 November 2005. [Invited paper].
- S.Walker, B.Shapiro "A Control Method for Steering Individual Particles Inside Liquid Droplets Actuated by Electrowetting" Lab on a Chip Journal, vol 12, no 1, pg 1404 - 1407, 2005.
- B.Shapiro "Workshop on Control of Micro- and Nano-Scale Systems" IEEE Control Systems Magazine, vol 25, pg 82-88, April 2005.
- I.Treise, N.Fortner, B.Shapiro, A.Hightower "Efficient Energy Based Modeling and Experimental Validation of Liquid Filling in Planar Micro-Fluidic Components and Networks" Lab on a Chip Journal, vol 5, no 3, pg 285-297, Jan 2005.
- X. Wang, E.Smela, B.Shapiro "Visualizing Ion Currents In Conjugated Polymers" Advanced Materials, vol 16, no 18 , pg 1605 - 1609, Sept. 2004.
- TW.Lin, A.Modafe, B.Shapiro*, R.Ghodssi "Characterization of Dynamic Friction in MEMS-Based Microball Bearings" IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, vol 53, no 3, pg 839-846, June 2004.
- B.Shapiro, H.Moon, R.Garrell, C.J.Kim "Equilibrium Behavior of Sessile Drops under Surface Tension, Applied External Fields, and Material Variations" Journal of Applied Physics, vol 93, no 9, pg 5794-5811, May 2003.
- B.Shapiro "Creating Compact Models of Complex Electronic Systems: An Overview and
Suggested Use of Existing Model Reduction and Experimental System Identification Tools"
IEEE Transactions on Components and Packaging Technologies, vol 26, no 1, pg 165-172, March 2003. [Invited paper] - B.Shapiro, K.Willcox "Analyzing Mistuning of Bladed Disks by Symmetry and Reduced-Order Aerodynamic Modeling" Journal of Propulsion and Power, vol19, no2, pg307-311, March-April 2003.
- B. Shapiro "Solving for Mistuned Forced Response by Symmetry" Journal of Propulsion and Power, vol 15, no 2, pg 310-325, March-April 1999.
- B. Shapiro "Symmetry
Approach to Extension of Flutter Boundaries via Mistuning"
Journal of Propulsion and Power, vol 14, no 3, pg 354-366, May-June 1998. - B. Shapiro, B.T. Zinn "High Frequency Nonlinear Vibrational Control" IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, vol 42, no 1, pg 83-90, Jan 1997.
Copy of PhD Thesis (Caltech)
Passive Control of Flutter and Forced Response in Bladed Disks via Mistuning. B.Shapiro